Where's the Manual?

From the moment you went into labor, it has all been a whirlwind. You had been waiting for that first contraction for weeks, and when you finally felt labor coming on nothing else seemed to matter. After hours at home you and your partner got in the car to drive to the hospital.

Now, three sleep-deprived days later you’re about to pack up and head home, a few pounds lighter and with a new tiny little human in your family.

You might be thinking:


“Are they really trusting me with this thing?”

“Holy Sh*t!”


“Where’s the manual?”

Wasn't the nurse supposed to give you a book with all the secret baby tricks? You know, the nice nurse who showed you how the change your baby’s diaper? Who reassured you that hiccups are totally normal? Who helped you find a little more comfortable breastfeeding position when your baby was up ALL NIGHT on night 2? 

No, the nurse doesn't have secret baby manual and no, she can't come home with you. And while you could read stacks and stacks of baby books or ask google if green poop is normal in a newborn (it is), you can actually have something even better.

Your postpartum doula can help you find your way. 

Your postpartum doula can show you how to bathe your baby in the tub when that cord stump falls off. Your doula can stay up to help comfort your baby in the middle of the night. She can talk to you about your baby’s developing sleep habits and motor skills. Better than a nurse she will even help out around the house washing a few dishes or doing some laundry (since, you know, those were taken care for you in the hospital)

A great postpartum doula will also help you find your own parenting style, because no one actually has a manual outlining the right way to parent your baby. Though experience helps know what to expect, ultimately you are the expert on your family culture, your needs and your child. Soon, you will be able to write your own manual on your kid!  

Most importantly, your postpartum doula is there for you in a way that a book can never be. She will celebrate your triumphs and milestones. She will remind you that it is totally normal to feel overwhelmed and nervous, especially in the first few whirlwind weeks. Your doula will tell you all the ways that you are doing a fantastic job, loving on and caring for your new little one as your family grows together.